Barberry Garden

A wine corner in a crazy world


Etna Rosso 'a Rina - 2017

Girolamo Russo

4.0 / 5.0

Italy » Sicilia » Etna DOC
red still, dry
Nerello Mascalese
1150 UAH, 759 UAH
not available
Girolamo Russo Etna Rosso 'a Rina 2017


4.0 / 5.0750 ml@Glibivka

The last time I tasted this wine was more than 18 months ago. It became so much about jam, dried herbs, cloves, and other spices. And while in the nose there are few primary aromas, the palate still displays some fading youth in the form of grippy tannin and acidity. Delicious and sophisticated. However, it feels like you need to drink it over next year.

4.0 / 5.0750 ml

I am ready to drink Sicilian wines every day. Sour cherry, cherry nut, black pepper, thyme, cinnamon. Not simple, but still friendly Nerello Mascalese by Girolamo Russo. Perfectly balanced and well structured. Flavours of bruised cherry.

4.0 / 5.0750 ml

Giuseppe Russo makes magic with Nerello Mascalese on the slopes of mount Etna. I've opened my evening with this wine and I was happy about it. Red fruit, clove and flowers, hints of burnt oak. Delicate.

Girolamo Russo

Making wine on the slopes of Mount Etna is an intensely personal, profound and ongoing act of love.

A friend of mine once said that all people divide into two categories: those who live in Valais and those who want to live there. I have never been there, but I understand this appreciation of the land you live in. And I think the same applies to Etna, at least to some extent. Unlike many, Giuseppe Russo is affiliated with Etna by the right of birth. A graduate of the Humanities with a Diploma in piano, he re-established the family winery in 2005 and dedicated it to the memory of the late father, Girolamo. Their vineyards cover 18 hectares, surrounded by hazelnut and olive groves.

💡 "Fun" fact. The official site states that the vineyards cover 18 hectares. But the technical sheet of a'Rina 2018 talks about 19 hectares. Either a typo or the winery grew a bit. By the way, the Good Wine page says that Giuseppe owns 26 hectares, half of which he sells.